Children and youth at high risk, most who have migrated from rural areas and work on the streets as shoe shiners. Our main objective is to rescue them from the bad influences in their environment, show them the positive side of life, teaching them a sense of worth, and brining out in them their talent and potential. We rely on the principle: “To love God and your neighbor as yourself” And we apply the saying: “Give them a fish and feed them for a day, teach them to fish and feed them for a life.”
There is hard work to be done, many young people working on the streets who are eager to get out, to a better world.
A dream come true, Thank God!!!”. Since 2017, the children and youth who have come through our association have been successful in finding jobs in some of the best companies in Guatemala and have also started their own companies.
We enjoy seeing the motivation they need succeed. It’s a great satisfaction for “Un Hogar en El Camino”.
For Un Hogar en el Camino, academic and spiritual education is indispensable. Thanks to the generosity of people who identify with the needs of these children and young people of scarce resources and at high risk, we can continue to transform lives through this humanitarian work.
Our projects have impacted the lives of our beneficiaries.
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